Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas prep
Monday, December 6, 2010
I made Georgie and Dash nukie straps. Dash's was orange, blue and brown.
This t-shirt is for a new baby in my mom's club named Leo.
This is a bad shot of Henry's birthday party cake. Chocolate ice cream topped with chocolate graham crackers, hot fudge, and birthday cake ice cream, then smeared with whipped cream.
Birthday cupcakes for school.
Leftover cake batter used to make a birthday pancake for at home.

After making 4 cakes, I wanted to make something for Christmas but was tired of cookies and cakes. So I made peppermint bark with 3 layers (white, dark, and white chocolate) and these Salted Caramel-Pecan bars - courtesy of Southern Living. I topped them with dark chocolate. They are awesome. I also made Chili Chocolate, but the chocolate burned when I tried to melt it down. I don't know why that one went wrong after I had already melted 4 other pots of chocolate. Maybe it was for the best because Brandon tried some and it was SPICY. I might try it again, but with mess pepper flakes and some whipping cream.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sunday steals!
Check out these totals, Uncle Kevin!
Grouped together from CVS and RiteAid:
Rite Aid:
Product Total: $55.97
Less: Wellness+ Savings: $14.98
Coupons: $15,25
Mail-in Rebate: $10
UP+ Rewards: : $10
Total Out of Pocket: $5.74
Product Total: $22.66
Less: CVS Savings: $9.80
Coupons: $5.50
Extra Care Bucks: $5.80
Total Out of Pocket: 2.56
And to reward myself: a fuzzy, out of focus caramel Frappe $2.29
Less coupon: $2.29
All products: $80.92
Paid: 8.30
Savings: 89.76%
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Since the kids eat PB&J every day, I decided to supply them with some homemade freezer jam. We have already gone through about 4 big containers already. The best part was half the fruit was given to us.
Rhubarb, sweet cherry, peach, strawberry, grape.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
CVS and Walgreens Deals
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Deal of the Day
My coupon game results
$34.54: Retail cost
$21.36: With Rite Aid Wellness Card:
$5.74: Cash out of pocket
$3.29: Mail in Rebates
$2.45 Total cost
Monday, August 9, 2010
The last project is finished.
Friday, August 6, 2010
I added a few links to the sidebar of crafting and quilting blogs I like to check. I especially like One Pretty Thing. It's a blog that collects and posts different crafts and art that other people have created and posted on their blog.
Feel free to add any blogs you check.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Lego mania
So I'm reading this book called: LEGO A love story all about this guy rediscovering his childhood LEGO bricks and finding out all the crazy stuff that grown ups do with LEGO Bricks (also, you aren't supposed to call them LEGOs because there is no such thing. yOu must call the LEGO bricks.) The guy is trying to become a good builder and talks about creating MOC's which stand for MY OWN CREATIONS. Here are my MOC's. I'm one step away from attending the GenCom (for loser trekkie fans and other comic book stuff) convention in town this weekend. Anyway, I think these are pretty good.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The t-shirts are done!
The end is in sight! Hopefully, people stop having babies, because I can't keep with all of these little t-shirts.
I finished the A for Amalia. This is for Holly's baby, Gabriella.
Megan's little Lillie turned one, so she got a dino shirt.
These t-shirt made the one letter a piece of cake, but I needed the kids to have these shirts.
That's a lot of zig-zagging.
This one took me two episodes of highlander.
Now all I have left to do is finish the two baby quilts and then I can have this baby.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Dash's quilt.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My non craft projects
Its summer and I don't have a lot of time for crafty projects. I have to live off the land to make my family food for the upcoming hard winter. And drink beer and go to the pool.

I made a bunch of jam. And drank a beer. It was good, but got warm quickly because the kitchen was hot. Note to self--use a cozy.
I made stuffed eggplant tonight which only 3/4 of us ate without crying.
Some of my jam. Try to look surprised at Christmas. I made 10 more pints today. Putting the canner away for a while now.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Nesting much?
Here's a sampling of what I've done this week.
Here's the finished front of quilt.
And the finished back. I've already got it quilted too.
Our friends had a baby names Josiah. Here's a t-shirt I'm making him.
And the detail.
Here's one for baby Alaina. I also need to make one for baby Amalia. But I accidentally scorched hers with the iron.
I needed more mattress pads for Henry and June's room. I got mad that they charge $14 for two small ones in the kids section, so I just bought a big queen sized one for $15 and cut it up into 3 big pieces. And I used some left over to make these little burp clothes for the baby.
I still need to clip all the string, but I think they are pretty cute.
Here's the fabric for baby Dash's quilt. It's going to be a bunch of blocks with every other block this checkerboard pattern. Hopefully I can get it done before Dash is born.
Remember I crocheted a rug out of t-shirts in the kitchen? It was getting stretched out and Henry unraveled a part and stuck his leg through it. So during a crazy spell, I tore the whole thing apart and am now using the strips to weave a new rug. You can see that it's a much tighter weave.
Here's how far I've gotten. Now that we have cable, Brandon doesn't always let me sit in front of the tv with my loud sewing machine. So this is a nice, quiet project to work on.
Aunt Jenni, show this to Kevin. This is $45 worth of stuff that I got for $15. And $8 of it (medicine and coke) wasn't part of my awesome deals. I just bought it because I had extra CVS bucks to use. Normally, I save them for my good deals next week, but I'm not sure if I'll be up to going to CVS next week. So really it's $37 worth of stuff for $7. Score.
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